At our website, we sell digital goods which unfortunately cannot be “returned” in the traditional sense. However, we understand that sometimes things may not work as expected. That’s why we offer a refund policy that is specifically designed to accommodate such situations.
In case you encounter any issues with our product and are unable to get them resolved, we offer a full refund within 14 days of your purchase. Please keep in mind that before we can grant a refund, we’ll need you to submit a request explaining the issues you’re facing with our Product. Additionally, we may need reasonable time to help fix the issues, and may even request access to your Website or files on your server to do so.
Please note that refunds will not be issued for issues caused by third-party services, websites, plugins, themes, or other software. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, and we’ll do everything we can to ensure you are satisfied with our product. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.
There is no obligation to provide a refund in situations like the following:
- You simply decide not to use the purchased Product anymore;
- The Product did not meet your expectations;
- You do not have sufficient expertise to use the Product;
- You do not have access to 3rd party services necessary for the Product (like API access, affiliate program approvals, etc);
- Target sites or services are not suitable for the Product.
Please note that we have a strict no-refund policy for our products. After 14 days from the initial purchase, no refunds will be given for any reason. This includes product updates or license renewals. We strongly recommend that you thoroughly research the product you are interested in before making a purchase to ensure that it meets your needs and expectations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our policy.